-age - French Suffix

by Rekha 2010-02-16 18:41:27

Suffix: -age

Type of suffix: nominal

Gender of words with suffix: masculine

The French suffix -age can be added to verbs or nouns to make new nouns and has a couple of possible meanings.

1. When added to a verb, -age indicates the action, purpose, or result of that verb, usually equivalent to the English gerund (noun ending in -ing):

assemblage - assembling, assembly
(added to assembler - to assemble)

le balayage - sweeping, scanning
(added to balayer - to sweep, scan)

le jardinage - gardening
(added to jardiner - to garden)

le raffinage - refining, refinement
(added to rafiner - to refine)

le rasage - shaving, shearing
(added to raser - to shave, shear)

2. Far less commonly, -age is added to verbs or nouns to indicate a group or series.

le dallage - paving, pavement
(added to daller - to pave)

échafaudage - scaffolding
(added to échafaud - scaffold)

le veuvage - widowhood, widowerhood
(added to veuve - widow)

Note: French nouns with the suffix -age are always masculine. However, there are a handful of words, like page, that end in the letters age (but not the suffix) that are feminine

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