Installing Apache in Windows

by rajesh 2007-05-15 11:58:37

Steps to install apache in Windows.

Here we would guide you in installing the latest stable version Apache 2.2.4. Apache 2.2.4 is the current stable version. Other stable versions include 2.0.59 and 1.3 series..

To start with, download the latest version of apache for windows from

You should download the msi file.

Installation Using a msi:
1) After downloading the msi file (e.g: apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi) double click on the file to run/execute it. It will start the installation wizard

2) Select Next

3) Choose "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and select Next

4) Select Next

5) Enter network domain name if any else just give 'localhost' for network domain.

Give your server name if any else just give your machine name e.g('test') for server name.

Give your admin email address if any else just give

Select Next

6) Choose 'Typical' and Select 'Next'

7) Change the installation directory only if you want to install it in a different folder else just click 'Next'

Press 'Install' - This will install apache

9) Select 'Finish' to come out of the installation wizard.

To Start Apache:
As installation is complete you can start testing it by starting apache.

Start -> Programs -> Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x -> Control Apache Server -> Start

You can also go to apache installation folder and run the file httpd.exe present under bin directory.

To Stop Apache:
Start -> Programs -> Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x -> Control Apache Server -> Stop

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