Open special folders using shell commands in vista

by Ramya 2009-03-11 12:54:06

shell commands for windows vista:
The shell command can be used to open a special folder directly from the Start->Run command.

Special Folders:
Windows operating system have dozens of special folders that are used for storing application settings and files, storing Internet files, saving temporary files, storing shortcuts to other files, and so on. For eg, Application Data, Cookies, Desktop Directory,Fonts.

shell: commands in Windows Vista

* shell:Common Programs
* shell:GameTasks
* shell:UserProfiles
* shell:MyComputerFolder
* shell:SyncSetupFolder
* shellVery Happy
* shell:SamplePlaylists
* shell:Favorites
* shell:My Video
* shell:SearchHomeFolder
* shell:System
* shell:CommonVideo
* shell:SyncResultsFolder
* shell:LocalizedResourcesDir
* shell:Cookies
* shell:Original Images
* shell:CommonMusic
* shell:My Pictures
* shell:Cache
* shellVery Happy
* shell:CommonDownloads
* shell:AppData
* shell:SyncCenterFolder
* shell:My Music
* shell:ConflictFolder
* shell:SavedGames
* shell:InternetFolder
* shell:Quick Launch
* shell:SystemCertificates
* shell:Contacts
* shell:TreePropertiesFolder
* shell:Profile
* shell:Start Menu
* shell:Common AppData
* shell:PhotoAlbums
* shell:ConnectionsFolder
* shell:Administrative Tools
* shell:PrintersFolder
* shellVery Happy
efault Gadgets
* shell:ProgramFilesX86
* shell:Searches
* shell:Common Startup
* shell:ControlPanelFolder
* shell:SampleVideos
* shell:SendTo
* shell:ResourceDir
* shell:ProgramFiles
* shell:CredentialManager
* shell:PrintHood
* shell:MAPIFolder
* shell:CD Burning
* shell:AppUpdatesFolder
* shell:Common Start Menu
* shell:LocalAppDataLow
* shell:Templates
* shell:Gadgets
* shell:Programs
* shell:Recent
* shell:SampleMusic
* shellVery Happy
* shell:CommonPictures
* shell:RecycleBinFolder
* shell:CryptoKeys
* shell:Common Templates
* shell:Startup
* shell:Links
* shell:OEM Links
* shell:SamplePictures
* shell:Common Desktop
* shell:NetHood
* shell:Games
* shell:Common Administrative Tools
* shell:NetworkPlacesFolder
* shell:SystemX86
* shell:History
* shell:AddNewProgramsFolder
* shell:Playlists
* shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86
* shell:PublicGameTasks
* shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder
* shell:Public
* shell:Common Documents
* shell:CSCFolder
* shell:Local AppData
* shell:Windows
* shell:UsersFilesFolder
* shell:ProgramFilesCommon
* shell:Fonts
* shell:Personal

Start run command and type the above which special folder you want to get quickly........

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