NIC / Ethernet / Lan card installation issue in linux fedora
by RameshKumar[ Edit ] 2007-12-06 16:50:45
I faced an issue with NIC installation and finally we resolved it by installing realtek 8169 driver in Linux Fedora 6.
The GUI network configuration tool does not detect the NIC and i also get eth0 FAILED error, when the system boot's.
To check Modules found in the kernal or not use fillowing commands::
1.) insmod <module name>
2.) modproble <module name>
To find in library module as follows
cd /lib/modules/2.6.9-5.EL/kernel/drivers/net/
here i was able to find that the default driver file installed was real1839.ko, which was not supported.
Finally the problem was resolved by reinstalling the driver:
Download the driver,
remove the old file,
install the new one.