WP Plugins

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-19 16:29:01

WP Plugins

AdSense-Deluxe – Embed AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network ads into your blog.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System – A plugin for blogs that have multiple writers. Let each of your writers make money from ads on their own posts.

AdSense Injection – Inject AdSense ads throughout an existing blog.

Google AdSense Referral Rotator Plugin – Make money by referring other users to AdSense.

Amazon Media Manager – Easily ad Amazon affiliate products to your blog.

WP-Amazon – Quickly search for products and add Amazon affiliate links while writing your posts.

Last Amazon Review Plugin – Displays your most recent review of a product listed on Amazon and includes your Amazon affiliate link.

Text Ads Link Widget for WordPress Sidebar – A simple widget that makes it easy to display text ads in your sidebar.

WPAds Plugin – Show and rotate ads on your blog.

AdRotator Plugin – Randomly rotates ads that you choose.

WP E-commerce Shopping Cart Plugin – Creates a shopping cart with tons of features and options for your WP blog or website.

EasyPayPal WordPress Plugin – Integrates your blog and your PayPal account to accept donations or fees.

Buy Me a Beer Plugin – Accept donations from your readers by asking them to buy you a beer (or coffee) if they liked your post.

CafePress – Sell your own products on your blog.

YAK – Simple shopping cart plugin.

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