Linking Your Site

by Sanju 2010-02-21 21:27:54

Linking Your Site

Before starting, it is important to understand the basics ... A link is a way to navigate from one webpage to another. An 'internal link'; is a link within the same Web site. An 'external link' takes you to a Web page on a web site to a Web page on another website. The term 'backlink' is used when another website links to yours.

There are 4 different types of links:

  1. URL links - this is simply a URL for a website that is a link.

  2. ELAC Text (static links) - is the most common type of link (when da click a word or phrase and a link)

  3. Image link - is simply an image that gives Click to navigate to another web page.

  4. Dynamic Links - These types of links are in another programming language called Javascript and while also leading to a web page to another, have 'code' further, to perform special functions.

    (These types of links can appear in many different ways)

    It is important to recognize these types of links, even if you are not familiar with web design and programming. Not have to memorize the codes, just learn to identify each type of link.

The links provide navigation routes for human visitors and for spiders (crawlers, robots, bots). Stated simply, a spider is a computer program that goes to websites and collects information. Search engines use spiders to visit and index a website. This means that collect information on your website and then list them in their search results.

When search engine spiders index your website, they follow the links to get from one page to another. It is important to know that search engines can not follow 'dynamic links, and no follow HTML links that have a special code on them that says' no follow'.

The place where the 'no follow' is commonly found in meta tags. Meta tags are information that is available only for spiders and not seen by human visitors.

If spider can follow a link from another website to yours, you can receive visitors but the link would have no value from the perspective of SEO - Posicionamiento Web.

What types of links you get?

Generally there are 2 types of links:
  • One-way links - one way link is when another website is linked to its Web and you do not you link to them.

  • Reciprocal links - A reciprocal link is when a website is linked to its web site and you link them back to them.

The unidirectional links are more valuable in the eyes of search engines. However, each link has its own individual value based on: How relevant is your site to the text in and around the link, how much authority does the website that is linked to his, and so on.

It is also important to know that you can get links that have no value in the eyes of search engines, but they can bring hundreds or thousands of visitors ..

Generally speaking, the more Web sites link you better. However, building links takes time and energy and if you focus on getting 'links' high quality, you get a bigger return on your investment.

What is a quality link.?

Links that will bring reputation to the page (that shows search engines that other related websites consider important), and links that give you PageRank. Sometimes both simultaneously, sometimes not..
To achieve a high ranking of your website, you have to get links for keywords objectives. For this reason we must begin with a research of keywords.

Another important point is that your page is optimized for the keyword you are targeting. If you focus on creating one-way links to your site but the texts of the links do not appear on your page, probably wasting your time. (I say probably assuming you have some competition for the keywords chosen, if there is no competition then there is no problem).

In this case a site that has few links one way but a good on-page optimization is likely to be better positioned. Or if you're building one way links to your site but these are not just URL links and text links, a site that has less links with better quality (text) will probably be positioned above. Ideally, you have to build many unidirectional links with text that includes primary and secondary keywords that your page is optimized. Google also uses Latent Semantic Indexing which (in short) means that studying the synonyms of keywords in your page. This is to prevent spammer techniques. Their algorithm looks at all the words on your page and how they relate to one another.

So it makes no sense to build one way links if your content is not relevant. First you have to optimize your site for visitors. Then you and highlight your keywords. Then, get unidirectional links with text containing your keywords, ideally getting them Web sites that relate to yours.

Yes, Google also looks at the relationship between the content of your website and the content of websites that link it. A few links to your site from your company websites of other companies in the same category will be more valuable than many links from sites about video games for example.

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