simple seo process

by Sanju 2010-02-21 21:31:36

simple seo process

The Google optimization process is not fully structured, but could result in the following steps:


Analysis of competition.

A competitive analysis will help us to know what strategies they are using those "fight" with our company to win the segment. Through this research we know your keywords, its strengths and weaknesses. This does not mean it will copy all of its attributes, but watching you learn. Learn about our competitors will be very useful to know where we can fight and how we improve.


Survey of Keywords.

Through a detailed study we know the keywords in place and largely used by the public they will target your company. Match in the keywords is an essential step for the success of their "virtual branch", since they will transport visitors from search engines or search engines to your website.


Development of a database for the site.

We must improve the site's pages, and if we start from scratch, create them. This step will optimize both the HTML coding (headings, metatags, etc..) And "site architecture" (internal structure of links to Web pages that compose your site) as the graphical interface of the website (content and design). Recall that a website that has a great design but not provide content that visitors need, is a sterile site.


Incorporation of keywords.

Once you choose the most effective keywords, we put on our website. These should appear on the most important pages (Home Page and Services page) and the right balance. An excessive repetition of the same would result in some Search Engines erase the site from their lists.


Review and building links.

Acquiring and quality related links pointing to your website generates 95% of success in trying to get high rankings in Search Engines. While increasing the Network Status for search engines is also important to have lots of links pointing to your pages, we see that the really important matter is the quality and degree of relationship of the same with your site.

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