Which keywords are the best for my website?

by Sanju 2010-02-21 21:37:39

Which keywords are the best for my website?

Now, how you will decide that which keywords the best and relevant to your web pages? This is the most important to use top paying keywords and good keywords related to your website. For this, for a while consider you as a customer who goes to the shoe shop and asks for their required shoe. What type of questions you will ask to demand your required design, size, company and she price? And what words or phrase you will use? These will be your keyword and appropriate use of keyword in a phrase. Now in the same way, use keywords in phrases relevant to your product or web content.
List your keywords and phrases or get some help from adwords keyword tool, keyword selector tool or another keyword tool and also use keywords analyzer to find top paying keywords related to your website. Now use your keywords in your web content in an appropriate phrase and wait for the result. Remember, that a single popular keyword have a lot of competition to get top ranking in the search result.

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