Kaizen SEO

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-21 22:04:25

Kaizen SEO

Definition: Japanese for continuous and incremental improvement, a business philosophy about working practices and efficiency; improvement in productivity or performance
Etymology: Japanese `change for the better'

Many times a client will ask why they are being charged a monthly fee for services. Unless you are actively participating in a reciprocal linking campaign, this may not seem all that apparent.

But, underneath the hood, there are many aspects of seo that are constantly being 'tweaked'. While this may sound like a salesman talking, it really is true.

When a site gets code for search engine optimization (SEO), there are many elements that are looked at and modified. Most changes are behind the scenes, and will make changes to Meta Tags, page titles, file naming structure and file configuration to name a few.

What most people are not aware of is that when a site is initially coded, it has had research conducted on it, and decisions are made based on that research. However, as times change, and keyword phrases change, the coding must be updated as well.

It's in these moments that a good seo service will make the update with no disruption to the current site, yet it will yield the benefits of the constant monitoring. If the site is already established, these changes can be seen within a few days. If the site is newer, it may take some time and patience to see anything tangible.

It's similar to web hosting. You pay a certain fee each month to make sure your site is up. But within those costs, you are paying for the latest security, Anti-virus software, equipment and software updates that protect your site. And don't forget the salary and overhead of the company or consultant.

Another reason a monthly fee is applied is that you are also paying for the expertise of the seo service. Would you rather have a doctor operate on you that's only had 2 procedures? Or the doctor that has performed thousands of operations?

A bonus of the monthly fee is that when you add content to your site, it should pass by the seo service so that they can ensure the friendliness of the new page for the search engines. Remember, each page is judged on it's own in the search engines, so every page is critical to the success of your site.

Just some things to keep in mind when you engage a company to perform seo services for your site. Those people are really earning their money.

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