Poker Facts

by Sanju 2010-02-21 22:06:25

Poker Facts

* A fifth suit was added to a deck of playing cards in 1937 but never caught on because people did not want to buy new decks.

* Dead mans hand is Aces and Eights.

* Getting dealt 10,2 is referred to as Doyle Brunson because he won back to back World Series with the hand.

* In the 1800s, 2,000 to 2,500 riverboat gamblers played poker on American Waterways. By contemporary accounts, no more than four of these poker players were honest all the time. A straight beat a flush at this time.

* Las Vegas Casinos are not legally obligated to pay off their gambling debts.

* Because of the French influence, Spades represent Royalty, Diamonds represent Merchants, Clubs represent the peasants, and hearts represent the clergy.

* Playing cards were introduced in Europe in the 1300s.

* When Columbus landed in 1492 in North America, his men plucked wide leaves from trees, drew pictures on them and played cards.

* Historians generally agree that Bill Hickock was a horriable poker player.

* Famous poker players Groucho Marx got his name from carrying all his money for poker in a "grouch bag"

* Former President Richard Nixon won $6,000 playing poker in his first two months in the U.S. Navy during WWll. That is roughly equal to $42,640 in 2004 dollars. He used that money as well as more poker winnings to finance his run for the U.S. Congress in 1946, which he won.

* "Fossil man" Greg Raymer won a then record $5,000,000 in the 2004 WSOP Main Event. He is famous for wearing his "scary eyes" glasses.

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