Internet Commodities

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-21 22:18:59

Internet Commodities

How valuable is your site?

How many ways have you monetized your site with Google AdWords or some kind of sponsorship via banner ads?

These are the more common uses of Internet Commodities - ways to make money off the good 'ol net.

But, how many times have you used the value of your product or service in exchange for something else?

There are many like-minded people who may be interested in your product or services and would willing to do a stright up trade for goods and services.

Are you taking advantage of this?

Don't forget about your site real estate space. While images are pleasant to look at, search engines could care less about them. The engines feast on content and links. While content will convert the user, links will drive the traffic.

Many times people contact me about wanting to purchase a text link and ask about the amount of traffic the site gets. First off, on my site in particular, it has one goal: to sell an eBook.

And, do you think the person who buys an ebook is really going to be interested in whatever you want to offer? My information tells me that there's a better chance of Elvis coming back on tour.

But, there is high seo value in getting a link from the site.

Why? The site has some number rankings in Google, which in turn means that Google considers the site the most relevant in some topic. In essance, for every #1 ranking the site has, it is an authority on that keyphrase.

By being associated to a top ranking site, any linking site will recieve collateral benefits of being linked from that site.

Another element of swapping goods is to equate value - if someone sells an itme for $49, and my product only sells for $39, but I also have a fee based directory that allows for text links at $10 a piece, you can make an offer to exchange both products for the product.

Point is, the Internet is the greatest way to get your message, product or service known to the world. Why not capitalize on your expertise by getting some great freebies?

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