Fat Finger SEO

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-21 22:19:44

Fat Finger SEO

There are many who think that going after these people is a waste of time since almost all search engines recognize gramatical errors and make suggestions to the user. But sometimes there are various spellings of a word, and you need to optimize for all of them.

A great example of this are the variant uses of the following word:

* Wheel Chair
* Wheelchair
* wheel-chair

Which one is correct? According to Google "WheelChair" is the suggested term. But in the search results, "Wheel Chair" has 76,300,000 million results, "Wheelchair" has 61,500,000 results, and "Wheel-chair" has 50,700,000 results.

But to the user, any one of those spellings could be correct, and as long as they ultimately find what they are looking for, why should they care which way it gets spelled?

In today's SEO game, you need to optimize for all three spellings if you truly want to own that keyword/phrase. The best way to achieve this is to make sure that you have all the variants of the word in your page copy, meta tags, page title and every place that you can insert those spellings without producing a spammy, keyword stuffed page.

While you will always need to fight the battle of user-friendly design versus search engine readability, in the end, it's about your users, and they are the ones who will purchase your product or service.

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