Keyword stuffing of a web page

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-21 22:28:50

Keyword stuffing of a web page

Keyword stuffing of a web pageKeyword stuffing is the deliberate beefing up of particular phrases in the content of the web page. It is a search engine optimization technique for any adult web site promotion. History of keyword stuffing The keyword stuffing has made history more for its abuses than for its uses. It was used as a bait to hook more and more traffic onto its web page, in an attempt to ethically or unethically shovel up the rankings of the websites.
Consider some instances-

* keyword stuffers used to hide the irrelevant keywords, by coloring it same as the web page background, making the search a mountain out of a mole hill.
* The more intellectual web designers infested their contents with most coveted words like 'sex' even it had far anything to do with that pretext.
* Some stuffing freaks did this art ad nauseam, as such at the end of the day there were more keywords on the web page than its contents and the web page looked more of an American tattooed pattern.

Then one day, all of a sudden leading search engine websites like Google and Msn , came down heavily on these practices and specified their norms to keyword stuffing , failing which the web designers would be nabbed and their website banned for ever.
These guidelines -

* Squashed the practice of ratings based on the frequency of the keywords.

In contrary it made way for themed related keywords that have something to do with the content of the website.

* Specified the degree to which any keyword can be impregnated, and also the positions where they are to be stuffed.

A stuffing of up to 10% in major headings, first paragraph, ending and sparsely distributed in the middle is desirable for any adult website promotion. A word of caution It is highly recommended for adult web marketing that stuffers do stick to the basics, as the search engine sites employ sophisticated tools like the keyword density analyzers and by no means, will a machine understand that you were by any way unintentional.

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