Importance of Page rank

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-21 22:32:43

Importance of Page rank

Is Page Rank that Important?

The answer is “Yes” and “No”. Yes if you look forward to get affilited with some nice related content based sites or authority sites in your field.Nice Google Page Rank for your website establishes that credibility that offers you opportunity to get linked to highly valued websites or authority sites.Page Rank is simply a good indicator of your website’s online value.

The answer is “NO” if you think high PR determines rankings in actual SERPS.The fact is Page Rank is still a part of Google algo mix but not that important.Along with PR there are several other factors that influence SERPS more that Page Rank.

Webmasters in effort to achive good PR work towards getting quality back links to their site and actually these relevant links along with website content plays major role in SERPS.

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