by sabitha 2010-02-25 10:52:54

This piece of creation gave a semblance
Of a golden apple at my first glance.
I tried with my semantic stiletto
To cut it in a sequestered grotto.
The scanning and expounding task plodded
On and quite suddenly it exploded!
Here's a shapeless new ocean, vast and deep!
Reap less are those who only stand and peep.
Go boating, fishing or like fishes swim
Or dive for pearls depending on your whim.
If you could afford, to delve and fathom,
A submarine, - more mental pabulum!
This appears to b a Congo forest
Where thick canopies the sunlight arrest!
Sportive hunters can enjoy a fair game;
Gatherers, better beware of big game!
Those that are tireless, capable and keen
May hit on riches hitherto unseen!
But there are also poets who with skill
Can mill a bomb and make a blissful pill,
Condense an ocean to a glass of wine,
Convert a forest to a garden line.
Poets who fail to give for the minds feast
Freely and fairly, please the hearts the least

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