by sabitha 2010-02-25 10:55:09

Away, be away, Mr. Procrastination!
I'm sick and tired of your explanation:
You always begin with something, something honey,
Steal my time and end up making things look funny.

There's real poison in your nectar, I know now.
I must continue and complete my work, somehow:
Now, at this moment, immediately, today;
Not later, leisurely or tomorrow! Be away!
Carousing, gossiping, loitering, dawdling-
Work of drones and derision! Traitor! Enemy!
No more can I listen to you, you thief of time!
Wasting one's precious time is a bloody crime!
But time lost is lost, cannot be found anywhere,
Nor can we produce it or in the market buy.
It comes to us; why bloody crime!
Anything lost can be found, or it's not make use, before it goes by?
I've got a lot of work to do - to do sincerely:
I must work for my people and for my country.
Work - sign of progress, symbol of prosperity -
Buys responsibility and sells jollity.
Stop, stop your games with me, you Procrastination!
I now have a weapon new - determination!
Do not, therefore, with duties anymore, interfere!
Beware! Sever all bonds! Avaunt! Never come near!

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