What is FEDAI?

by Rekha 2010-02-25 16:21:41

FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealer's Association of India) was set up in 1958 as an Association of banks dealing in foreign exchange in India (typically called Authorised Dealers ADs) as a self regulatory body and is incorporated under Section 25 of The Companies Act, 1956. It's major activities include framing of rules governing the conduct of inter-bank foreign exchange business among banks vis-à-vis public and liaison with RBI for reforms and development of forex market.

Functions of FEDAI

* Guidelines and Rules for Forex Business.

* Training of Bank Personnel in the areas of Foreign Exchange Business.

* Accreditation of Forex Brokers

* Advising/Assisting member banks in settling issues/matters in their dealings.

* Represent member banks on Government/Reserve Bank of India/Other Bodies.

* Announcement of daily and periodical rates to member banks.

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