A Worker Ruminates

by sabitha 2010-02-26 09:50:08

The problem is to leave or to remain:
To stay in this strange polarized domain
Will mean accepting its authority
And working with responsibility;
The two, not going well for long, have now
Ignited high a throbbing, ruffling row!
But who the hell in these new-fashioned days
Can put up with a boss who likes odd ways?
He is despotic, blind to reason, cold,
Gruff, grumpy, grumbling, captious, mean and old!
No no, I cannot any more be to tease
An object, be a host to haunting bees:
Inviting worries to invade and kill
The peace, the joy, the action and the will.
Peace: life’s most precious prize! No gold, no land,
Or rank or feast on par with it can stand.
He that has no good mental peace is said
To be in pieces despite his good head!
I have for long been quite a patient drudge,
But when I wail of woe the man doesn’t budge;
But ticks me off as a teeny tidal wave
That might to wreck the firm some day well brave.
This is a world of many changing plays!
The Good is hoodwinked by the Bad that lays
Its filthy hand on everything on earth
And gives to all the baleful deeds full birth!
There is not one of them but helps the Bad!
And of the only face of mine I’m glad.
To cut the links and be a bird of wings
Will save a war of nerves and staining stings.
Man must be free and dance not just for gold;
Respect and rights of man must not be sold.
But leaving means I lose my chance to fight
Oppression, prove my case and put things right.
Fair play and justice sure will have their day;
The patience of Job also has to pay:
So say the wise and so let Patience rule
And Virtue gracing, let me play things cool.

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