108+ years Old Badaga Woman from Nilgiris - Badugu Hethai

by praveen 2010-02-27 14:08:47

This is the photo of a 108+ years old Badaga hethai(grand mother) from Thooraty near Ketti, Ooty, Nilgiris.
She had seen 5 generation and ready to see her 6th also. She is called as "Somi Hethai",
Somi means God and Hethai means grand mom. She had lost her mom while she born and
she was brought up by giving Buffalo's milk during child and i think that is the power of her.
Later in 90's her eye and hearing power became less but She walks, talks, Sings sometimes
wash her clothes while noone is watching. And after all she has a mind blowing
memory. She knows everybody from all parts of ooty when someone comes and meet her, she use to ask her
from which place are you from? and tells him the whole story of that place and the people.

She is none other but my Great Grand mom from Badaga Community who lives in the Best part of the World - Ooty

But unfortunately she had slipped and got herself hurt and now she is in full rest(in bed).

If there are anyone older than in Badaga community please comment here.

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