Coconut Baigan Masala

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-27 23:45:43

Coconut Baigan Masala

Baigan (Brinjal / Aubergine) is another vegetable in Indian cuisine where a lot of dishes are made. This curry (side-dish) uses coconut and brinjal as the main ingredients.


* 1/2 kg brinjal (small size)
* 3-4 onions (cut in big pieces)
* 2 tablespoons of grated coconut (dried)
* 1 whole garlic
* Ginger 2 tablespoons
* chilli powder - according to your taste
* 1 teaspoons turmeric powder
* salt to taste
* small lump of tamrind
* 1 tbsp garam masala powder
* 1 tsp jeera

Method / How to make:

1. Take all the ingredients grind it at once in mixer, do not add water.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of oil in pan and heat it, put the mixture in the pan.
3. Fry the mixture properly.
4. Take of the pan from stove and let it cool.
5. Take the brinjal slit it in 4, fill the mixture in the brinjal.
6. Pour 2 - 3 tablespoons of oil in a kadai, heat it and then put the stuffed brinjal, cook it.
7. Add little water to the brinjal. Put small piece of jaggery to taste if required. Let it cook for 15-20 minutes.
8. Coconut brinjal masala is ready. Serve it with any Indian bread or Indian rice.

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