Stuffed Karela (Bittergourd)

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 00:12:09

Stuffed Karela (Bittergourd)

* Bittergourds 250 gms
* 2 Tbsps. Gram flour
* 1 tblsp dhania- jeera powder
* 1 tsp turmeric powder
* 2 tblsps oil
* salt, sugar and lime juice to taste.

Make slits halfway length wise through each of the bittergourd. Sprinkle liberally with salt along these slits. Set aside for 4 hours . after that squeeze out all the water. wash in water about 3 or 4 times . Now mix the rest of the ingredients and fill into the slits. Tie each bittergourds with threads to prevent the filling from falling out. Heat 4 tbsp of oil in a deep pan and fry the bittergourds gently for 5 minutes. Cover the pan and cook on low flame until the bittergourds are cooked. Serve hot with sauce.

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