Blocking Unwanted/Spam Robot Access To Websites
by Selva[ Edit ] 2009-04-27 17:09:45
Unwanted or Spam Robots may highly use your website bandwidth.These spam robots can be viewed in awstats of a website which have entry like
Unknown robot (identified by empty user agent string) under
Robots/Spiders visitors . To block such unwanted/spam robots use the following entries in your
.htaccess file (which must be saved in document root of the website) :
BrowserMatchNoCase Unknown spam_robot
BrowserMatchNoCase robot spam_robot
BrowserMatchNoCase SpammerRobot spam_robot
BrowserMatchNoCase SecurityHoleRobot spam_robot
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from env=spam_robot
Once you have these entries in
.htaccess file of your website,you can be free from spam robots attacking your site