Green Rice

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 01:00:43

Green Rice

* Rice 1 cup
* Onions 2
* Green leafy vegetables -3 cups (any variety may be chosen)
* Peanuts roasted - 1 tbl sp.
* Lemon - 1
* Oil - 3 Tbl sp.

For the masala powder

* Black gram dhal- 1 tsp
* Coriander seeds - 1 1/2 tsp.
* Fenu greek-1/4 tsp.
* Bengal gram dhal - 1 tsp.
* Asafoetida -pinch
* red chillies- 5 (Fry the above ingedients in half a tsp. of oil and powder

For the Seasoning:

* Cumin seeds- 1/4 tsp.
* Black gram dhal - 1 tsp.
* Mustard seeds- 1/4 tsp
* cashewnuts-few

Cook rice till each grain is separate. Allow it to cool completely. Cut onions into small pieces. Clean greens, remove stems wash and then chop finely. Heat oil, fry seasonings and then with cut green chillies. Add onions and fry for two minutes.

Continue frying with greens till it shrinks and raw flavour goes from it. Add cooled rice, salt, powdered spices, pea nut powder and mix well in high flame till everything is mixed well. Add grated fresh coconut, squeeze lemon, mix well and serve with curd raitha.

Note: To remove mud and dirt from green vegetables- pluck and take leaves and tender stalks alone. Take water in a broad vessel and put the greens in it. Stir with hands to remove excess dirt. Take it out from water directly with hands and put in a colander. After few minutes chop finely and use as mentioned in recipe.

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