Pongal (Sweet )

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 01:05:23

Pongal (Sweet )

Green gram dhal - 1/3 cup
Rice- 1 cup
Powdered jaggery - 1 1/2 cups
Water - 1/2 cup to dissolve the jaggery
Cashewnuts - 1 Tbl. sp.
Raisins - 1 Tbl. sp.
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp.
Pure ghee - 1/4 cup

Dry roast green gram dhal in a pan till light brown in colour, Wash it along with rice and pressure cook in a container with 4'/2 cups of water, for 10 minutes. Heat jaggery with half a cup of water in a thick shallow pan till it dissolves completely.

Strain to remove dirt and once again heat it till you reach one string consistency. Add cooked pongal to that and mix well in a medium flame for few minutes. Remove from fire. Heat ghee separately and fry cashewnuts and raisins. Add it to pongal along with cardamom powder. Serve hot.

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