Miscellaneous Soup Making Tips and Info

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 02:22:26

Miscellaneous Soup Making Tips and Info

* If the soup is not intended as the main course, count on one quart of soup to serve six adults. As a main dish, plan on two servings per quart.
* A hot soup will help recondition the palate between meal courses or after consumption of alcoholic beverages.
* Ideally, cold soups should be served in chilled dishes.
* Adjust seasonings of cold soups just before serving. Chilled foods tend to dull the taste buds and will require more seasoning than hot soups.
* Be aware that herbs will have a more intense flavor if added at
the end of the long cooking process.
* Savory soups and stews always taste better if made a day or two in advance, refrigerated and then reheated just prior to serving.
* Wine is a wonderful flavor addition to soups and stews. When using wine in soup, use less salt as the wine tends to intensify saltiness. Wine should be added at a ratio of no more than 1/4 cup of wine to 1 quart of soup.
* Beer is also a good addition to soups and stews. A good rule of thumb is 1 cup of beer to 3 cups of soup.
* Freeze the liquids drained from canned mushrooms or vegetables for
later use in soups or stews.
* Since liquids boil at a lower temperature at high altitudes, cooking time may need to be extended at altitudes above 2500 feet.
* Soups and stews should only simmer while cooking, ‘never’ brought
to a hard boil.

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