Fun Facts About Salt

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 02:27:33

Fun Facts About Salt

• Refined salts even in salt water concentration will kill salt water fish. So, what is the fate of our internal organs when fed commercial salt?

• Fruits and vegetables are nearly salt-free. This means that a vegetarian diet will eventually create an anemic condition and other salt-starvation diseases. That is why many vegetarians crave salty snack foods. Only when salt is added to fruits and vegetables can saliva and gastric secretions readily break down carbohydrates

• The modern intravenous fluid, Lactated Ringers, is a reproduction of “Plasma of Quinton,” a drinkable sea water used by the French alchemist Rene Quinton.

• Salt towns: Towns ending in “lick”, “wich” and “saal” are towns that were founded because of salt availability.

• Human salt consumption accounts for only 7% of the total salt production, the balance (93%) is used by the chemical industry and in manufacturing for things like manufacturing explosives, chlorine gas, agro-fertilizers and in the plastics industry.

• Magnesium is extracted out of common table salt: Because the chemical industry needs pure sodium and chloride, vital magnesium is taken out to make it flow smoother which means it can be sold for a better profit on the chemical market.

• Flowing agents added: To prevent moisture from being reabsorbed, salt refiners also add alumino-silicate of sodium or yellow prussiate of soda as desiccants plus bleaches. This salt is then sold in stores for human consumption. The problem is that this adulteration makes the salt unable to combine with human body fluids so it causes health disturbances.

• Ocean salt alone possesses the power to restore wholeness to the human internal seas, our body fluids.

• Every one of the body’s 92 essential minerals is found in the ocean.

• Salt refining: When most salts are harvested, they are put through a series of harsh steps that cracks the molecular structure, robs its essential minerals and adulterates the salt with chemical additives to make it free-flowing. It is then bleached and iodized. This refining process makes the salt poisonous to your body because it takes out the essential nutrients and aliveness present in sun-cured sea salt.

• True sea salt should be moist to the touch with its prism-like “mother liquor” or bitterns surrounding it. When ground the gasses produced smell a little like violets.

• Mother liquor has health benefits: Biologists can attest that this mother liquor restores hydro-electrolytic imbalance, a disorder that causes the loss of immune response, creates allergies and causes many health problems.

• Celtic sea salt is the lowest in sodium of all the salts available and the richest in precious beneficial elements available in any salt.

• Once re-dissolved in water or in the moisture of food as it cooks, Celtic Sea Salt bears an amazing likeness to human blood and body fluids.

• The late French scientist Dr. Alexis Carrel kept a chicken heart alive for over 37 years by having the pulsating heart in a solution of sea salt. Dr. Carrel voluntarily ended the experiment after a third of a century, having proven that living cells can have physical immortality. Amazing, eh?

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