News & Syndication - Good Ways to Build Links

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 15:16:01

News & Syndication - Good Ways to Build Links

1. Syndicate an article at EzineArticles, GoArticles, iSnare, etc. The great thing about good article sites is that their article pages actually rank highly and send highly qualified traffic.

2. Submit an article to industry news site. Have an SEO site? Write an article and submit to WebProNews. Have a site about BLANK? Submit to

3. Syndicate a press release. Take the time to make it GOOD (compelling, newsworthy). Email it to some handpicked journalists and bloggers. Personalize the email message. For good measure, submit it to PRWeb, PRLeap, etc.

4. Track who picks up your articles or press releases. Offer them exclusive news or content.

5. Trade articles with other webmasters.

6. Email a few friends when you have important relevant news asking them for their feedback and/or if they would mind referencing it if they find your information useful.

7. Write about, and link to, companies with “in the news” pages. They link back to stories and blog posts which cover their developments. This is obviously easiest if you have a news section or blog. Do a Google search for [your industry + "in the news"].

8. Perform surveys and studies that make people feel important. If you can make other people feel important they will help do your marketing for you for free. did a study on how underpaid mothers were, and they got many high quality links.

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