Blogs & the Blogosphere

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 15:19:53

Blogs & the Blogosphere - Good Ways to Build Links

1. Start a blog. Not just for the sake of having one. Post regularly and post great content. Good execution is what gets the links.

2. Link to other blogs from your blog. Outbound links are one of the cheapest forms of marketing available. Many bloggers also track who is linking to them or where their traffic comes from, so linking to them is an easy way to get noticed by some of them.

3. Comment on other blogs. Most of these comments will not provide much direct search engine value, but if your comments are useful, insightful, and relevant they can drive direct traffic. They also help make the other bloggers become aware of you, and they may start reading your blog and/or linking to it.

4. Technorati tag pages rank well in Yahoo! and MSN, and to a lesser extent in Google. Even if your blog is fairly new you can have your posts featured on the Technorati tag pages by tagging your posts with relevant tags.

5. If you create a blog make sure you list it in a few of the best blog directories.

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