Buying Sites, Renting Links & Advertisements

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 15:22:37

Buying Sites, Renting Links & Advertisements - Good Ways to Build Links

1. Rent some high quality links from a broker. Text Link Ads is the most reputable firm in this niche.

2. Rent some high quality links directly from Web sites. Sometimes the most powerful rented links come direct from sites not actively renting links.

3. Become a sponsor. All sorts of charities, contests, and conferences link to their sponsors. This can be a great way to gain visibility, links, and a warm feeling in your heart.

4. Sell items on eBay and offer to donate the profits to a charity. Many charities will link both to the eBay auction and to your site.

5. Many search algorithms seem biased toward older established sites. It may be faster to buy an old site with a strong link profile, and link it to your own site, than to try to start building authority links from scratch.

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