Blog Spam

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 15:27:12

Blog Spam

1. Instead of signing blog comments with your real name, sign them with spammy keywords.

2. Start marketing your own site hard on your first blog comment. Add no value to the comment section. Mention nothing other than you recently posted on the same subject at _____ and everyone should read it. Carpet bomb dozens of blogs with this message.

3. Say nothing unique or relevant to the post at hand. Make them assume an automated bot hit their comments.

4. Better yet, use automated bots to hit their comments. List at least 30 links in each post. Try to see if you can hit any servers hard enough to make them crash.

5. Send pings to everyone talking about a subject. In your aggregation post, state nothing of interest. Only state that other people are talking about the topic.

6. Don’t even link to any of the sites you are pinging. Send them pings from posts that do not even reference them.

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