Misc Sites to submit, comments voting and rating

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 18:11:05

Misc Sites to submit, comments voting and rating

  1. AnnoyingCoworker.com: Write public Messages about coworkers most annoying habits and get it rated or email it anonymously.
  2. aworldofhelp: Q&A and link submission, requires to login to see the rating button.
  3. Cluztr beta: For chatting and more, instead of voting buttond shows how many users are on a page. English [+20/04/07]
  4. Exclaimable!: For creating media where viewers can vote.[+11/11/06]
  5. Listible!: for listing where voting resorts each item, the most '+voted' links are at the top of the page. List commenting, not each item. Has tags. Listed also here
  6. hubpages.com: Same kind as the above, with Google adsense support. [+12/08/06]
  7. votelists: Same systeme as listible! with -/+ buttons. [+29/07/06]
  8. FARK.com: has no voting/rating system
  9. Gabbr: social news community with different concept.
  10. rssbit: Online RSS reader with digg like buttons showing number of subscribers. [+15/03/07]
  11. Kepty: Between Slashdot and digg, for writing and submitting. Rating only visible from comments page.
  12. Slashdot: An other kind of social news website. It also has submit and commenting, no digg like voting but karma points. Some Slashdot-likes are: OhMyNews, barrapunto Spanish (Spanish), SlashIndia (India).
  13. Tagtooga: Public bookmark dirctory with voting and many other features, see here.
  14. Trouw: Dutch, a map with social digg-like voting.
  15. SkimCSS: CSS related, used to use a digg like voting system, looks like pligg's skidoo style but now has drop down rating menus.
  16. SearchMob: A blog using pligg.
  17. walk2web: This is much more, it lets you 'walk the web' with tree visualization and preview...and up down voting of course. - Very cool!

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