Other Languages Sites to submit, comments voting and rating

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 18:12:13

Other Languages Sites to submit, comments voting and rating

  1. .N T.P.Y.: Turkish digg-style for Videos.
  2. @News: Japanese digg-style for news.
  3. 5dig.net: Chinese. [+29/04/07]
  4. Baay!: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  5. Bagook: German [via] [+18/06/06]
  6. Blog Memes: Spanish, also exists in French, Portugesee, Japanese, English ( listed above) and Belgium.
  7. Blogasty: French for blogs with +/- buttons. [+20/04/07]
  8. Bluegger : French, news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  9. Brevissime!: Italian, for news powered by symfony [+29/07/06]
  10. Buzzcn: Chinese Digg. [+12/08/06][via]
  11. Choix: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  12. cndigg.com: Chineses digg, same style interface has trackback.
  13. CoRich Newsclip: Japanese digg style, is an extension to corich social bookmark service.
  14. Creabits: Spanish for any news. [+30/06/06]
  15. CSSlook: Korean, Public bookmarking, nice designe for nice designes.
  16. dingr: Chinese digg-style.
  17. dirty.ru: Russian. [+13/03/07]
  18. Douban: Chinese, for books, music and videos. [via]
  19. digsky.net: Chinese digg-style. [+12/11/06]
  20. Ec Navi: Japanese digg-style for news.
  21. eKudos: Dutch, general - Ruby On Rails powered. [+13/11/06]
  22. eu curti: Brzilian digg-style.
  23. Fresqui(Beta): Spanish digg-style for technology, has 2 websites. [17/03/06]
  24. Fuzz: French, digg-style for news.
  25. Fortune.ccw.com.cn: Chinese digg-style.
  26. Gmiix: French, French and world news with adsense support. [+29/01/07]
  27. Gwar: Polish digg-style with +/-.
  28. Habrahabr: Russian. [+10/02/07]
  29. hadash-hot: Israeli digg-style. [+09/08/06]
  30. Hot Ru.net: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  31. i170.com: Chinese, for the i170.com community. [+27/10/06]
  32. ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
  33. Kilasan: Indonesian, for any news.[+06/07/06]
  34. Knews: Chinese digg-style for news.[+15/10/06]
  35. Krtica: Croatian digg-style.
  36. LinkPost excite: Japanese digg-style, for any links. By Excite.co.jp portal.
  37. Linkter: Hugarian digg-style.
  38. livedoor Clip: Japanese digg-style, for any link. [+06/07/06]
  39. Markit: French, technology related. [+08/02/07]
  40. MarkeZine: Japanese digg-style, for any links.
  41. MSN Reporter: By MSN. French (Belgium), Norwegian and Dutch. [15/02/07]
  42. neodiario.net: Spanish, computer and web related. - opensource. [+13/11/06]
  43. MyScoop: Russian digg-style.
  44. news2.ru: Russian digg-style for news, uses hierachical categories.
  45. NewsFilter: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  46. Newsland: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  47. newsing: Japanese, for news with different style voting buttons. [+27/07/06]
  48. NUOUZ: French digg-style for news.
  49. OKNotizie: Italian for news using Ajax. Blog button code here. [+04/06/06]
  50. Oui-News.com: Chinese digg-style.
  51. Overmundo: Brazil, with media support and tags. [+12/11/06]
  52. Pioche: French digg for technology, science and cultural news. [+16/03/07]
  53. Populicias.com: Spanish digg-style.
  54. que pasa ?: Digg-style for local news with podcast support. French.
  55. Qooqle Video Clippers: Japanese for Videos. [+02/09/06]
  56. Qopo: Chinese. [+13/10/06]
  57. Rec6: Brasil. [+11/11/06]
  58. Reddit: For bg, ca (Spanish catalan), de, eo(Esperanto), eu, es, fr, hu, hy, id, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, tr, vi and zh!
  59. RUmarkz: Russian digg-style.
  60. subela.net: Spanish, For news per contry (Argentina, Brazil,Chili, Comlombia, Mexico, Peru, USA, Venezuela) [+20/04/07]
  61. Scoopeo: French digg-style where you can win prizes.
  62. SMI2: Russian, news. [+10/02/07]
  63. Spotplex.com: French, considered as a digg like but shows views instead of vote buttons. [+20/04/07]
  64. Tag River: Chinese digg-style.
  65. Technotizie: Italian for hi-tech [+20/04/07]
  66. Tipt: Dutch. [01/02/07]
  67. Tutmarks: French, for tutorials with Gavatar support. [+27/10/06]
  68. wapher: Arabe digg-style for news.
  69. webnews.de: German.
  70. YiGG.de: German digg-clone formerly called digg.de
  71. Yuying.jp: Japanese, general.
  72. vottie: Chinese digg-style aggregator for videos. [+19/06/06][via]
  73. ZoomZik: French for music. [+20/04/07]

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