Breadcrumbs Best Practices

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 18:44:17

Breadcrumbs Best Practices

* Only use breadcrumbs when they help a user: for large, multi-level websites. These are for user first of all; if they also help SEO – that’s an additional benefit. Don’t add breadcrumbs just for the sake of adding good internal anchor text.

* Do not link the current page to itself (the last step in the breadcrumbs should be un-linked);

* Do not replace main navigation with breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs visualize your website structure horizontally while the main navigation shows its vertical structure listing its other categories and content types);

* Use breadcrumbs consistently (this makes the user browsing your website feel safer and allows him to faster familiarize himself with how the site is structured)

* Do not use breadcrumbs in the page <title> tag (this makes title too long and untargeted):

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