Types of Breadcrumbs in brief

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 18:47:38

Types of Breadcrumbs in brief

Generally, there distinguish three types of breadcrumbs (I usually recommend to stick to the first one because the latter two may create some sort of duplicate content problem):

1. Location-based breadcrumbs: show the user where the current page is located relevant to the whole structure of the site:

2. Path-based breadcrumbs: visualize the user’s path which brought him to the current page. These breadcrumbs are dynamic and are usually based on the search results. With this type of breadcrumbs one and the same page can be accessed through several paths:

Consulting > Services > Implementation > Service A

Consulting > Services > Optimization > Service A

Consulting > Services > Upgrade > Service A

3. Attribute-based breadcrumbs: list the attributes of the current page:

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