Improving Long Tail SEO Strategy

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 18:50:35

Improving Long Tail SEO Strategy

Here are the most effective ways to improve your long tail SEO tactics.


Relevant searches are found to be localized. There are numerous ways to know the best phrases for your online business. Once you discovered those key terms, interlace those into your site content is commonsensical way.

Linking the New Page

Construct new pages for long tail phrases. Afterwards, link a related ranking page to the new page for quick boost up of ranking.

Be Specific

Optimize into divisions and subdivisions like products, services and brand names when building a page.


Search engine spiders crawl blogs with long tail phrases easily. User comments, questions are reviews found in the blog improve the chances of your blog to be found for long tail searches.

Business Listings

Ensure your business listings (from local to international) like in Google Maps is jam-packed with useful information, images, videos, podcasts and others. For potential clients in the future, create business listings as effective as possible.


Small sites advertising for long tail phrases when combined can provide a larger volume of traffic.

Search Engine Statistics

Seek out for the pages of your site that are not having god traffic then optimize them for long tail keywords. These web pages are up for selling your products and services so let them work.

Short URLs

One of the best tactics is having a short URL. Shortened URLs are search engine crawler friendly. In addition, they are more like to acquire many clicks. Make sure to use the product name or the service name in the URL.


Make each page of your site exclusive through inserting tag clouds.

Make Use of the Space

Place all the products on a page as many as you can but within a 150k limit.

Power of Tagging

Tagging is very dominant. Go check your internal search statistics so that you'll know the phrases you can use for external searches.

Once you rank high for phrases with long tail SEO, you can chill and relax for there is not much competition for them unlike for single keyword or two-word phrase.

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