Some of the key features about Google
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2010-02-28 19:27:45
Some of the key features about Google
* About 4 billion indexed pages, each average 10 kB (4 Tb overall data)
* 6 Tb of hard drive space
* 104 languages, including “Klingon”, used by characters from StarTrek
* Around 30 clusters
* 80,000 machines
* 300 Ghz of processing power
* Up to 2000 computers in one cluster
* 160 CPUs
* One cluster is equal to 1 Pb of data, which is million gigabytes
* No breakdown since year 2000 when main switch broke down
* 160 Gb of RAM drive
* 800 employed computer scientists, among which 200 have PhDs