The Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

by Geethalakshmi 2010-02-28 20:08:09

The Dos and Don’ts of Blogging

* Number one DO: Do fellowship with other bloggers.

* Number two DO: Do join a blog community, and check out other bloggers and follow discussion threads.

* Number three DO: Do try to comment on blogs you have visited.

* Number four DO: Bloggers love to have other bloggers link to their sites.

* Number One DON’T: When commenting on other blogs or leaving messages on their tag boxes, please don’t type in many URLs after your comment, such as – “Hi, I like your article.

* Number Two DON’T: When I read something I don’t agree with, I generally tell it to my computer screen or shake my fist at it sometimes, but I keep my fingers off the keyboard. Don’t shoot off thoughtless comments like – “Your Wordless Wednesday entry is simply crap.

* Number Three DON’T: Don’t ignore comments visitors make on your blog posts.

* Number Four DON’T: Don’t plagiarize other blogs’ content.

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