Thirukkural Translations

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-01 01:14:21

Thirukkural Translations

The Latin translation of Thirukkural made by Constanzo Beschi in 1730 did much to make known to European intellectuals the richness and beauty of Oriental Tamil literature. Being a collection of poem, the translation to prose or the Urai (explanation) of Tirukural have been given by eminent personalities like M.K.Karunanidhi, the current Chief minister of Tamilnadu. The earliest possible Urai of the Thirukkural was given by Parimelazhagar. His Urai give us an idea of the amount of information contained in each and every kural. A lot of software are available these days for installing Kurals in desktops. The software based Kural (poem) changes each day and you get the kural and its explanation in both English and Tamil. An English Translation of Tirukural by GU Pope brought the Tirukkural to the western world in 1886. This work is widely revered and accepted in many parts of the world.

The following is a list of translations/commentaries of the Tamil literary classic THIRUKURAL - taken out from the Encyclopaedia of Tamil Literature, vol. 1, Inst. of Asian Studies, Thiruvanmayur, Tamilnadu, India.


* Nalini Mohan, Sanyal, thirukural, Calcutta, 1939
* Sastri, E.C., thirukural, Calcutta, 1974


* Nalini Mohan, Sanyal, thirukural, Calcutta, 1939
* Sastri, E.C., thirukural, Calcutta, 1974
* Krishnamoorthy, S. Calcutta, 2001


* Myo Thant, U, thirukkural, Rangoon


* Chi Eng Hsi, thirukkural, Hongkong, 1967


* Zvelebil, Kamil V, Thirukural (selections), Prague, 1952-1954


* Kat, D, Thirukural (selections), Netherlands, 1964


* Aiyar, V.V.S, Kural_: Maxims of thiruvalluvar, 4th ed, Madras, 1961
* Balasubramanian, K.M, Thirukural of thiruvalluvar, Madras, 1962
* Chakravarthi, A, thirukural in english with commentary, Madras, 1953
* Drew, H.W., The kural of thiruvalluvar with commentary of Parimelazhakar, Madras, 1840
* Drew, H.W. and Lazarus, J., Thirukural (in verses), Reprint, Madras, 1956
* Ellis, F.W., thirukural on virtue (in verse) with commentary, 1812, reprint Madras 1955
* Gajapathy Nayagar, A, The rosary of gems of thirukkural, Madras, 1969
* Kasturi Srinivasan, Thirukural: an ancient tamil classic (in couplets), Bombay, 1969
* Mathavaiyah, A, Kural in English with commentary in Tamil, Madras, 1925
* Michael, S.M., The sacred aphorisms of thiruvalluvar (in verse), Nagarcoil, 1928
* Muthuswamy, P, Thirukural in english, Madurai, 1965
* Parameswaran Aiyar, T.V., 108 gems from the sacred Kural, Kottayam, 1928
* Parameswaran Pillai, V.K., kural, Madras
* Pope, G.U, A collection of the english translation of thirukural, Madras, 1959
* Popely, H.A., The sacred Kural (selections in verses), Calcutta, 1951
* Raja, P, thirukural (in verses), Kumbakonam, 1950
* Rajagopalachari, C, kural, the great book of thiruvalluvar, Madras, 1937, 3rd ed, 1973
* Ramachandra Dikshithar, V.R., thirukural in english with roman translation, Madras, 1949
* Ranganatha Muthaliar, A: thirukural moolamum uraiyum with english translation, Madras, 1933
* Thangaswami, T.D, thirukural (selections in verse), Madras, 1954
* Thirunavukarasu, Mrs, T., Kural a selection of 366 verses (a gem for each day), Poona, 1916
* Vadivel chettiar, K, kural in english with tamil text and parimelazhakar commentary,(3parts), Madurai, 1972-1980
* Vanmikinathan, G, the thirukural - a unique guide to moral, material and spiritual prosperity, trichy, 1969
* Yogi Suddanantha Bharathi: Thirukural with english couplets, Madrs, 1968
* Yogi Suddanantha Bharathi, thirukural couplets with clear prose rendering, Madras, 1970


* Berwick, S.L, Na. Thirukkurala, Fiji, 1964


* Aalto, Pentit, Kural - the ancient tamil classic, Finland, 1972


* Ariel, M, kural de thiruvalluvar (traduits du tamoul), Paris, 1848
* Barrigue de, Fontaineu, G, le livre de l'amour de thiruvalluva, Paris, 1889
* Danielou, Alain, thiruvallouvar kural, Pondicherry, 1942
* Jacolliot, Louis, kural de thiruvalluvar, selections, Paris, 1767
* Lamairesse, M, thirukural in french, Pondicherry, 1867


* Albrecht, Fenz and K. Lalithambal: thirukural von thiruvalluvar aus dem Tamil, Madurai, 1977
* Cammera, A.F, thirukural waith german translation, Leipzig, 1803
* Graul, Karl, der kural des thiruvalluvar, London, 1854
* Graul, Karl, der tamu lische gnomes dichtar thiruvalluvar, Leipzig, 1865
* Rickert, Friederich, thirukural, selections, Berlin, 1847
* William and Norgate, Der kural des thiruvalluvar, 2nd ed, London, 1866


* Kalani, Kandilal, L, thirukural in Gujarathi, Bombay, 1971


* Sankar Raju Naidu, S, thirukural in Hindi, Madras, 1958
* Seshadri, K, thirukural in Hindi, Lucknow, 1982
* Govindaraj Jain, Kural in verse, first two parts, New delhi, 1942
* Jain, B.D, thirukural, thirupananthal, 1961
* Khenand Rakar, thirukural, parts 1 and 2, Ajmer, 1924
* Rajan Pillai, thirukural, Lucknow, 1976
* Venkatakrishnan, M.G, thirukural, Trichy, 1964


* Gundappa, L, thirukural (3 parts), Madras, 1960
* Gundappa, L, thirukural dharma bhaga, Bangalore, 1955
* Srinivas, P.S, thirukural with original couplets and translations in Kannada, Madurai, 1982
* Srikanthaiah, B.M, Kural (selections in verses), bangalore, 1940


* Graul, Charles, Kural of thiruvalluvar, Tranquebar, 1866
* Veeramamunivar, thirukural (Books I and II), London, 1930


* Dr.G.Soosai Ph.D,J.P.,P.P.N,P.K.T.,Thirukkural Kitab Murni TamilNadu.,Kuala Lumpur,1978 & 1991
* Ismail, Hussein: thirukural sastera kalasik tamil yang, Kuala Lumpur, 1967
* Ramily Bin Thakir thirukural (in verses), Kuala Lumpur, 1964


* Azhakathu Kurup, thirukural in verses, Trivandrum, 1875
* Balakrishna Nair, G, Kural waith commentary, Part I, Trivandrum, 1963
* Chellan Nadar, K, thirukural tharmanaskantam, Parassala, 1962
* Damodaran Pillai,P, thirukural manikal, Trivandrum, 1951
* Gopalakurup, Vennikulam, thirukural (first 2 parts in verse), Kottayam, 1960
* Govinda Pillai, A, thirukural, Trivandrum
* Thirukkural Malayalam Vivarthanam Published by DC Books Kottayam


* Kishrod, Dash Ch, thirukuralu-in oriya language, Sampalbur, 1985


* Ram Murti Sharma, thirukural dhamma granth of the tamils, Chandigarh, 1983


* Umadevi, Wandy Dynowskiev, thiruvalluvar kural, Madras, 1958


* Kamala Gurg, thirukural needhi sastra, Jaipur, 1982


* Glazov, J.J and Krishnamurthi, A, thirukural, a book on virtu, politics and love, Moscow, 1963
* Glazov, J.J, thirukural in couplets with illustrations, Moscow, 1974


* Srirama Desikan, S.N, thirukural in sanskrit slokas, Madras, 1961, 1968


* Ram, S.S, Saurastra thirukural payiram - pitika pragaranam, Madurai, 1980


* De Silva, Charles, Sirigiya (thirukural in sinhalese), Colombo, 1964
* Sissigamy Govokgada, M, thirukural, Colombo, 1961


* Frykholm Ingya, thirukural, Uddavalla, 1971


* Jagannatha Sastri, Mudiganthi, thiruvalluva sookthalu, West Godavari, 1952
* Lakshminarayana Sastri, Kural, chittoor, 1906


* Kohan, Muhamad Yusuf, Kural in Urdu and Arabic, Madras, 1976
* Surawathi Hasarat, Kural in Urdu, New Delhi, 1966

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