Amusing facts about Dolphins

by Sanju 2010-03-04 10:42:43

Amusing facts about Dolphins

* There are dolphins that live in the Amazon River that are the colour pink.

* Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time.

* Next to man, the porpoise is the most intelligent creature on earth.

* A species of dolphin is born naturally blind in the Indus and Ganges rivers in South Asia. These dolphins have a highly sophisticated sonar system and swim on only one side of their body.

* Some dolphins can swim up to 40 kilometers an hour.

* Some species of dolphin sleep with one eye open.

* The largest member of the dolphin family are orcas.

* How does a dolphin sleep if it lives underwater but has to breathe air? The solution is a series of short naps. The dolphin's brain divides itself in two, that is, one half is asleep while the other half stays awake to get the dolphin to the surface for air.

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