Website Analysis - On-page & Off-page SEO Techniques

by Geethalakshmi 2009-07-03 23:05:14

SEO Website Analysis

For every website owners who wish to gain more exposure on the net and to get good traffic for their site "SEO Web Site Analysis" is the main place to begin with.

There are two ways of SEO analysis initially you are about to begin with. They are,

>> On-Page SEO analysis
>> Off-Page SEO analysis

1.On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the process of placing your selected keywords in the right places on your web pages.

On-page SEO involves changing page titles, headings, content, and URLs to improve search engine rankings.


W3C Validation Report : This is nothing but HTML Code Validation. For better search engine crawling, HTML validation should be conducted. HTML validation report is purely based on W3C HTML validation norms.

XML Sitemap : A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. A hierarchical list of web pages that belong to a site. A page containing links to all the pages in a site.

H1, H2, H3 Count: Heading Tags - H1, H2, and H3 tags are most important as Google uses any available Header, be it a H1, H2, H3 H4 H5 or H6 as the page title.

Page Size : "Page size" is defined as the sum of the file sizes for all the elements that make up a page.

Code to Text ratio: The Code to Text Ratio represents the percentage of actual text in a web page.

2. Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO includes all the things you do to promote your website outside the design of the website itself. Getting more inbound links to your site, registering with directories relevant to your industry, and getting more pages into the search engine indices are all parts of Off-Page SEO.

Domain Info

Most experts agree that you should register your domain for a long time, because search engines factor domain "stability" when looking at your pages.

Domain Registered on: Domain Registration Date
Domain Expire on :Domain Expiry Date

Google Page Rank :

"Google PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves important weigh more heavily and help to make other pages important." - From Google

Indexed Pages :

This number is the approximate number of pages on that have been stored in the Google index. The Google web crawler will visit the website periodically and look for new content for its index. Generally, the more pages your site has within the Google cache, the better.

Back links Information:

One of the most important measures for a website is how many other sites link to it. The more links the better. Having links to your website from authoritative resources on the Internet helps you rank higher in search engines since these links are an indication that your website is trustworthy and contains good content.

Last Google Crawl Date :

Google will periodically crawl websites looking for new and updated content. In general, you want Google to crawl your site as often as possible, so your new content shows up in Google search results immediately.

Traffic Rank :

Alexa is an online service that measures traffic for millions of sites on the Internet in a similar way to Nielsen television show ratings.

3. Blogosphere

Blogging makes sense from a marketing perspective. You'll be leveraging the shift from outbound to inbound marketing and interacting with your customers in new ways. A blog lets you meet your customers more directly than sending out brochures or an email campaign. It changes your website from a brochure that most people look at once to something that people interact with and come back to.

Blog Analysis:

Blogging is a great way to reach your target audience with your thoughts, opinions, and offerings on relevant topics.

Blog Rank:

Technorati is a popular blog directory service. It measures the popularity of a given blog as compared to all other sites that have been submitted to its system. You should sign up and submit your blog on, it's free.

4. Social Mediasphere

Making sure that your company has an extensive web presence outside of your own website is important. It increases the chances that your prospects will find your company when they are online since there are more web pages that contain information about your company. Bookmarks : is a web-based bookmarking site. Delicious users save their bookmarks on the website so they can access them from any browser. A website that has many users bookmarking it is generally popular and will get more traffic. Submission Summary :

Digg is a social media site where anyone can submit articles, and viewers can vote for articles they like. Very popular articles can make it to the front page of Digg, resulting in more traffic to your website.

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