I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-15 09:45:14

I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you

I'm sorry I hurt you
I'm sorry I made you cry
I'm sorry I told you a lie

I did what I had to do
Now you are sad and blue
Is there a way I can
Make it up to you?

What was I suppose to do
When I'm so in love with you?
I said some things that you
Probably would have said too.

I had to try anything to get you
I wanted and needed you
And I didn't know what else to do.

But because I told a lie
There are some bad feelings inside
Now I lost you forever
And you will never be with me never.

I'm sorry I hurt you
I'm sorry I made you cry
I'm sorry I told a lie.

Poem by : © Sherri Emily Avery

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