Memory (Concentration) - The Brain

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-24 10:02:02

Memory (Concentration) - The Brain

The brain

When trying to remember something the brain mostly uses two parts. The Hippocampus which sort’s information sent there then sends it back. And the Pre-frontal lobe which is used in short term memory before information is sent to the hippocampus.

What is memory?

There are two types of memory, such as Short term memory and Long term memory. Short term memory is when you need to keep some type of information in your head for only a few seconds. For example if you need to remember a few moves you can do in chess in order to get a check mate you use your short term memory. When you use your short term memory the part of the brain that works harder is the pre-frontal lobe. Humans have highly developed frontal-lobes.

Short term memory is transferred to long term memory through a part of the brain called the hippocampus which is in the cortex. The hippocampus then sends the information back to where it came from. When we try to memorize something by repeating it we are sending the information through the hippocampus many times which makes the connections stronger until it doesn’t need to get stronger any more. The brain will then remember the information if it sees a connection to the information.

Episodic, sematic and procedural memories

Episodic, Sematic and procedural are all part of long term memory.
Episodic memories are memories that are experienced based. Like past events and experiences that you have been threw.
Another type of memory is Semantic memory which is the memory of certain information. Like
a math formula or information that you are trying to learn from a book.
The final type of memory is Procedural which is skills that we actually have to do to learn.
For example sports and activities.

Memory Loss

Memory loss is when you forget some sort of memory in your brain. Memory loss can be caused by many things. Many diseases cause memory loss. Alzheimer's disease can cause mild to severe memory loss and is usually found in older people. Parkinson's disease is a genetic defect that can cause memory loss. Huntington's disease is an inherited disease that also causes memory loss. Other things like stress related activities and concussions can cause short term and long term memory loss. Amnesia also causes memory loss and is a condition where the memory is disturbed by damage to the brain, through trauma or disease, or use of certain drugs. One interesting affect of amnesia is that people who are affected with it can not imagine the future. This is because when a normal person imagines the future they call back upon past experiences to create a scenario and people who have amnesia can not do this.

Test Your Memory Game -
Concentration Game - Hit the Dot -

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