Commenting On Blogs For Back Links

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-25 11:15:07

Commenting On Blogs For Back Links

First of all let me say what is acceptable practice: – Constructive comments that add to the conversation and value are the ones that will earn you credibility. If all you have to say is “Nice post”, “Very Nice”, “Thanks for sharing” then you might as well not comment at all – for many bloggers will attribute your comments (if approved) with a no-follow and its of no benefit to you.

Having said that, commenting on blogs is a way to build back links and at the least if the blog owner has attributed comments with a nofollow then you will get some traffic back to your site. If your comments are beneficial to my readers and the site they point to is relevant to my niche then I am more than likely to grant you a back link.

So when commenting to gain the benefits of back link and traffic from other bloggers then be productive, add value to the blog/post you are commenting on and get back the same in return. Do not abuse the system and be a spammer with 2/3 words comments – a 5 word comment can make a lot of sense and can be very helpful to other readers. Blogging lends itself to a sense of community so be part of it and reap the rewards – with the advent of the web 2.0 and social networking the benefits of blog commenting can only be realised when you participate fully.

And if your comments are great with a great site to go with it then you will definitely get a do-follow link, that way we both benefit.
The best of back links that Google love so much are the natural links.Smile

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