List of Question & Answer (Q&A) Sites

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-26 10:50:04

List of Question & Answer (Q&A) Sites

WikiAnswers - You can edit other people's answers like a wiki.

Yahoo Answers - A fun Q&A site that has grown quite popular over the past 3 years since it was introduced. Its also known to be the second most popular reference site online right behind Wikipedia.

Allexperts - Fun Q&A on Fun sites, safe chat; Money Stocks, credit, banking; Movies Reviews, stars, box office; Music/Performing Arts.

Blurit - Ast it, Answer it and Blurit.

Answerbag - Different levels of questions ie. Social, Expert, Local and Shopping.

Fluther - You get personalized questions based on the type you've already answered.

Fun Advice - Fun question and answer community since 2003.

Yedda - Q&A site similar to Yahoo Answers.

Dizzay - You can post pics when answering questions if you like.

Rediff Q&A - Rediff is like the Indian version of Yahoo so shouldn't it have a Q&A too?

Girls Ask Guys - Exactly how it sounds

Simply Explained - You can either discuss or answer the questions on Simply Explained.

Ask Get Answer - Ask and Get Answered

The Answer Bank - UK Based Q&A site.

LinkedIn Answers - This Q&A site is more focused on business related questions and answers.

Trulia Voices Q&A - Real Estate questions and answers.

Minti Questions - Parenting related questions and answers.

Grupthink - Ask open ended questions - you can answer with text and images.

Enotes - A resourceful Q&A for students.

Askpedia - Users can participate for rewards.

Able 2 Know - Select a category and ask an expert.

What Should I Say - Doesn't look too popular.

myLot - Participate in discussions and be rewarded.

Askville - This is Amazon's version of Yahoo! Answers.

Askeet! - Askeet! is a near direct clone of Yahoo! Answers, but it's also the demo project for the Symfony PHP framework. So if you want the source code for your very own Yahoo! Answers clone, then look no further.

Ask a Librarian - Send questions by email to a network of librarians using this service from the US Library of Congress.

What Should I Say? - Work and relationship advice seem to be the most prevalent topics at What Should I Say?

AskMe Helpdesk - Ask volunteer experts and then tip them with cash if you get an answer you like (and you're feeling charitable).

PointAsk - Standard Q&A fare.

The Answer Bank - A simple answer-based community from Britain.

KnowBrainers - A question an answer site with a MySpace-like social network attached.

Say-so - Say-so lets you give people a choice of answers (like this).

Oyogi - Oyogi had a lot of promise when it first appeared, but now seems to be a ghost town. - Another fairly new site, focuses on yes/no questions.

Wondir - Similar to Yahoo! Answers.

Minti Questions and Answers - This one is all about parenting.

Trulia Voices - Real estate Q&A.

Live QnA - Microsoft's Yahoo! Answers clone.

Lycos IQ - A Yahoo! Answers clone from Lycos UK that also incorporates social bookmarking.

NowNow - Another Amazon Q&A site: ask a question and get three answers by email. Though free during beta, NowNow uses Amazon's Mechanical Turk web service to pay real people for answers. They anticipate costs in the $0.25/question range.

Uclue - Uclue is almost identical to the old Google Answers. In fact, it was started by ex-Google Answers researchers. Ask a question, set a price, get an answer.

JustAnswer - More or less the same thing as Uclue, though perhaps in a prettier package.

Kasamba - Live chat with paid experts who charge their own price by the minute.

Ask.MetaFilter - In order to cut down on spam, MetaFilter's Q&A site charges a one-time $5 registration fee.

ExpertBee - Experts bid on your question at ExpertBee and you pick the one that gets to answer.

Experts Exchange - Ask questions directly to experts; this site charges a monthly fee to participate.

ChaCha - Experts guide you on your web search and help you find the results you're looking for (or, that's the idea).

Ether - Ether lets people set themselves up as paid phone consultants. My guess is that at some point they might set up a directly of consultants using their service.

Qunu - Talk directly to experts via a Jabber IM client.

Everyday Questions - The idea here was to take questions and answers and turn them into funny flash cartoons. Doesn't seem to have happened, but that hasn't stopped people from continuing to ask questions (if not actually answering them).

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