How to Keep Your Page from Being Cached in Yahoo! Search

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-27 20:59:10

How to Keep Your Page from Being Cached in Yahoo! Search

The Yahoo! Search engine saves snapshots of most of the pages it discovers during the web crawling process. We link to the cached page so that you can view the snapshot in case the live page is unavailable at the time of your search. When you view a cached page, you’ll see it as it looked when Yahoo! Search last indexed it, with search terms highlighted.

If you don’t want your content to be accessible through the cache link, you can change your webpage to use either of the following methods:

Apply the NOARCHIVE metatag

Place the following tag in the section of your page:


Apply the NOARCHIVE Directive

Configure your web server to place the following directive in the HTTP header:

Our web crawler continues to index and follow links from the page, but it doesn't display a cached page link in search results. Please note this change will occur the next time the Yahoo! Search engine crawls the page containing the NOARCHIVE tag or directive. This typically takes place at least once per month.

Please note that NOARCHIVE only removes the cached page. To prevent the page content from being indexed, use the NOINDEX tag.

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