3 Way Link Building

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-30 11:37:50

3 Way Link Building

3 way link building is one of the latest trends in SEO strategies. This is a somewhat different and more complicated method when compared to the other link building methods such as one way link building and reciprocal link building methods.

Site-A => Site-B => Site-C => Site-A

As seen above, in this method, Site-A gives link to Site-B, in return Site-B gives link to Site-C and in return Site-C gives link to Site-A. So just think how complicated to successfully get links as mentioned above, but it is worth. We will discuss the advantages of this method later in this article.

In order to start a 3 way link building for your website, you need to first do some research and prepare the report that contains the list of websites that are relevant to your website content. Next, you should contact them through email or phone that they have mentioned in their website. Ask and try to convince them regarding this 3 way link building and it is very important that before contacting them just add their website link in your website. This shows your interest in this particular task and trying to prove that you are genuine. If they are interested, you will get the link from another website automatically. For getting this link, better you could contact, convey the message and be a mediator to both the parties until you get the link.

There are some websites that have their own sister websites. So, it is better first add these kinds of websites link in your website and contact them. This is because there are more possibilities of getting link from them when compared to the other websites that don’t have their sister websites.

The result of 3 way link building is that the search engines does not treat the link your website received as the reciprocal link. This link is treated as the one way link. As we all know that the search engines give more importance and points to the one way links than the reciprocal links. This is one of the advantages of 3 way link building.

Also, in 3 way link building, all three participating websites will be benefited. But in one way link building, out of two websites only one website will be benefited. So, this is another advantage of 3 way link building.

In addition, the purpose of this 3 way link building method is the same as the other link building methods. So, by implementing this method in your website, the chances

* To get higher page rank will increase
* To receive more traffic to your website will increase
* To get higher website rank in the search engine will increase, etc

3 way link building is the more complicated and most effective method to increase website traffic, increase page rank, increase link popularity and get higher website rank in the search engine.

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