Know Your Pages’ Frequency

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-31 03:37:28

Know Your Pages’ Frequency

Many things play a part in your search engine success. Keywords are only a part of your search engine optimisation plan. They are still an important part, however, and it’s vital that you know what to do with them.

Hiring an SEO consultant can provide you with the help needed to deal with keywords in the initial stages of SEO, and you can talk to our experts at SEO Consult. As time goes on and you need to post SEO content to maintain your rankings, you’re likely to need to deal with keywords yourself. When that time comes, you need to know where to put keywords, and more importantly, how many keywords will trip the search engine spam filters.

SEO experts usually talk about keyword density. In doing this, they’re leading you slightly astray. The keyword density amount doesn’t change no matter how long your piece of content is, and yet when most experts talk about keywords they state a number of times you should put them in your content. What they’re getting confused is keyword density and keyword frequency.

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