How do non-juicy links help?

by Geethalakshmi 2010-03-31 03:38:58

How do non-juicy links help?

The main difference between types of links are those that will provide you with some link juice, or help build your link profile, and those that don’t count towards your link profile. In the eyes of some SEO experts, you might as well not bother with these kinds of links.

Not everyone looks at such links this way. A more far-sighted view takes these links into account when developing an online presence. Take Twitter, for example. Providing a link in your bio for Twitter won’t get you any link juice. However, if one of your followers is interested enough to look at your bio, they are likely to be interested enough to visit your site. If they’re impressed by what they find, they are likely to feature your link on their own site. The result of the non direct link in your Twitter profile is link juice.

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