Windows XP command line commands

by Nirmala 2009-08-17 09:37:32


ADDUSERSAdd or list users to/from a CSV file
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ASSOCChange file extension associations
ASSOCIATOne step file association
ATSchedule a command to run at a later time
ATTRIBChange file attributes
BOOTCFGEdit Windows boot settings
BROWSTATGet domain, browser and PDC info
CACLSChange file permissions
CALLCall one batch program from another
CDChange Directory - move to a specific Folder
CHANGEChange Terminal Server Session properties
CHKDSKCheck Disk - check and repair disk problems
CHKNTFSCheck the NTFS file system
CHOICEAccept keyboard input to a batch file
CIPHEREncrypt or Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgrAutomated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
CLEARMEMClear memory leaks
CLIPCopy STDIN to the Windows clipboard
CLSClear the screen
CLUSTERWindows Clustering
CMDStart a new CMD shell
COLORChange colors of the CMD window
COMPCompare the contents of two files or sets of files
COMPACTCompress files or folders on an NTFS partition
COMPRESSCompress individual files on an NTFS partition
CON2PRTConnect or disconnect a Printer
CONVERTConvert a FAT drive to NTFS
COPYCopy one or more files to another location
CSCcmdClient-side caching (Offline Files)
CSVDEImport or Export Active Directory data
DATEDisplay or set the date
DEFRAGDefragment hard drive
DELDelete one or more files
DELPROFDelete NT user profiles
DELTREEDelete a folder and all subfolders
DevConDevice Manager Command Line Utility
DIRDisplay a list of files and folders
DIRUSEDisplay disk usage
DISKCOMPCompare the contents of two floppy disks
DISKCOPYCopy the contents of one floppy disk to another
DISKPARTDisk Administration
DOSKEYEdit command line, recall commands, and create macros
DSADDAdd user (computer, group..) to active directory
DSQUERYList items in active directory
DSMODModify user (computer, group..) in active directory
DSRMRemove items from Active Directory
ECHODisplay message on screen
ENDLOCALEnd localisation of environment changes in a batch file
ERASEDelete one or more files
EXITQuit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel
EXPANDUncompress files
EXTRACTUncompress CAB files
FCCompare two files
FINDSearch for a text string in a file
FINDSTRSearch for strings in files
FOR /FLoop command: against a set of files
FOR /FLoop command: against the results of another command
FORLoop command: all options Files, Directory, List
FORFILESBatch process multiple files
FORMATFormat a disk
FREEDISKCheck free disk space (in bytes)
FSUTILFile and Volume utilities
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTYPEDisplay or modify file types used in file extension associations
GLOBALDisplay membership of global groups
GOTODirect a batch program to jump to a labelled line
HELPOnline Help
iCACLSChange file and folder permissions
IFConditionally perform a command
IFMEMBERIs the current user in an NT Workgroup
KILLRemove a program from memory
LABELEdit a disk label
LOCALDisplay membership of local groups
LOGEVENTWrite text to the NT event viewer
LOGOFFLog a user off
LOGTIMELog the date and time in a file
MAPISENDSend email from the command line
MBSAcliBaseline Security Analyzer
MEMDisplay memory usage
MDCreate new folders
MKLINKCreate a symbolic link (linkd)
MODEConfigure a system device
MOREDisplay output, one screen at a time
MOUNTVOLManage a volume mount point
MOVEMove files from one folder to another
MOVEUSERMove a user from one domain to another
MSGSend a message
MSIEXECMicrosoft Windows Installer
MSINFOWindows NT diagnostics
MSTSCTerminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGEFind and Replace text within file(s)
MVCopy in-use files
NETManage network resources
NETDOMDomain Manager
NETSHConfigure network protocols
NETSVCCommand-line Service Controller
NBTSTATDisplay networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTATDisplay networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOWDisplay the current Date and Time
NSLOOKUPName server lookup
NTBACKUPBackup folders to tape
NTRIGHTSEdit user account rights
PATHDisplay or set a search path for executable files
PATHPINGTrace route plus network latency and packet loss
PAUSESuspend processing of a batch file and display a message
PERMSShow permissions for a user
PERFMONPerformance Monitor
PINGTest a network connection
POPDRestore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD
PORTQRYDisplay the status of ports and services
POWERCFGConfigure power settings
PRINTPrint a text file
PRNCNFGDisplay, configure or rename a printer
PRNMNGRAdd, delete, list printers set the default printer
PROMPTChange the command prompt
PsExecExecute process remotely
PsFileShow files opened remotely
PsGetSidDisplay the SID of a computer or a user
PsInfoList information about a system
PsKillKill processes by name or process ID
PsListList detailed information about processes
PsLoggedOnWho's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
PsLogListEvent log records
PsPasswdChange account password
PsServiceView and control services
PsShutdownShutdown or reboot a computer
PsSuspendSuspend processes
PUSHDSave and then change the current directory
QGREPSearch file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.
RASDIALManage RAS connections
RASPHONEManage RAS connections
RECOVERRecover a damaged file from a defective disk.
REGRegistry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values
REGEDITImport or export registry settings
REGSVR32Register or unregister a DLL
REGINIChange Registry Permissions
REMRecord comments (remarks) in a batch file
RENRename a file or files
REPLACEReplace or update one file with another
RDDelete folder(s)
RMTSHAREShare a folder or a printer
ROBOCOPYRobust File and Folder Copy
ROUTEManipulate network routing tables
RUNASExecute a program under a different user account
RUNDLL32Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)
SCService Control
SCHTASKSCreate or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLISTDisplay NT Services
SETDisplay, set, or remove environment variables
SETLOCALControl the visibility of environment variables
SETXSet environment variables permanently
SHAREList or edit a file share or print share
SHIFTShift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file
SHORTCUTCreate a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPSList the NT Workgroups a user has joined
SHOWMBRSList the Users who are members of a Workgroup
SHUTDOWNShutdown the computer
SLEEPWait for x seconds
SLMGRSoftware Licensing Management (Vista/200 Cool
SOONSchedule a command to run in the near future
SORTSort input
STARTStart a program or command in a separate window
SUSwitch User
SUBINACLEdit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
SUBSTAssociate a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFOList system configuration
TASKLISTList running applications and services
TASKKILLRemove a running process from memory
TIMEDisplay or set the system time
TIMEOUTDelay processing of a batch file
TITLESet the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TLISTTask list with full path
TOUCHChange file timestamps
TRACERTTrace route to a remote host
TREEGraphical display of folder structure
TYPEDisplay the contents of a text file
USRSTATList domain usernames and last login
VERDisplay version information
VERIFYVerify that files have been saved
VOLDisplay a disk label
WHERELocate and display files in a directory tree
WHOAMIOutput the current UserName and domain
WINDIFFCompare the contents of two files or sets of files
WINMSDWindows system diagnostics
WINMSDPWindows system diagnostics II
WMICWMI Commands
XCACLSChange file and folder permissions
XCOPYCopy files and folders

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