World Health Day – 7 April 2010

by Rekha 2010-04-06 12:53:59

World Health Day – 7 April 2010

World Health Day is celebrated on 7 April every year to mark the founding of World Health Organization (WHO). Each year, WHO selects a key global health problem and organises international, regional and local events on the day and throughout the year to highlight the selected issue.

World Health Day 2010 will focus on urbanization and health. With the campaign "1000 cities - 1000 lives", events will be organized worldwide calling on cities to open up streets for health activities. Stories of urban health champions will be gathered to illustrate what people are doing to improve health in their cities.

What can a city do for World Health Day 2010?

The global goal is for 1000 cities to open up their streets to promote a physical or mental health activity by closing off sections to traffic:

Step 1. Open up streets on Sunday, 11 April or Friday, 9 April 2010
Step 2. Promote a physical or mental health activity in the open streets

What is done in the open streets is left to the creativity, desires, and priorities of a city. It can be one activity or several. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Sponsor a run or walk. It can be a 10k walk through the city, or maybe a walk with your mayor or prime minister to a cultural attraction in your town.

Exercise in the park. Set up classes in open areas in martial arts, aerobics, yoga, dance, or whatever interests your fellow citizens.

Support your local businesses. Have restaurants give cooking demonstrations with healthy food in the street bazaars set up in the traffic-free zones. Promote farmers by setting up a farmers market with with fruit and vegetables.

Create cycling paths. Open up 10 or 100 kilometres of road to encourage cycling in the city streets. A great way to exercise AND see the city in a new way! Ensure proposed races are open to wheelchair racers and that all activities are accessible to people with disabilities

Other ideas:

* Enjoy music by holding a classical concert for all to enjoy
Hold a special football match or championship series commemorating the Day

* Set up "Move for health zones" – a health fair in the streets with BMI screening stations, displays of health products, and samples of a variety of health drinks and foods made from local produce

* Provide a trader's fair of sporting goods, equipment and athletic wear, and encourage people to pick up a new sport or join a team

* Sponsor a conference, workshop or symposium with local experts on urbanization and health

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